Om Namo Bhagavade Sivanandaya

Established in 1949 by Sri Swami Sivananda

Size: 14.8cm x 20cm

Soft Cover: Pages: 320 Pages

Donation (SA): R50

Foreign: $15

Sure Ways for Success In Life and God-realisation is truly a monumental work of Sri Swami Sivananda. Several editions of this well known book have been printed, but the current edition, released on the occasion of Pujya Swami Sahajananda's 4th Mahasamadhi Anniversary on 10 December 2011, is the first since Pujya Swami Sahajananda last printed it in 1970. It is a book that will be tresured not only by an earnest aspirant treading the path of Yoga, but also by one who is merely interested in developing the personality and "earning capacity". The book is unique as Sri Swami Sivananda speaks to us openly, candidly and fearlessly. Every page is full of prictical hints for the removal of difficulties and pitfalls on the spiritual path. There is a growing demand, particularly among Westerners, for clear and easily understandable information on Yoga, especially Raja Yoga. The present work fulfills that demand.

The Parliament of the World's Religions is the largest summit of interfaith activists around the globe which provides listening, learning and sharing opportunities. This year the world's largest and most historic interfaith gathering will be held at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City in Utah, USA from October 15 to 19. It will be attended by 10,000 delegates from 80 countries and 50 religious and spiritual traditions

Physical Address: Sivananda Avenue, Sivananda Nagar, La Mercy

GPS Co-ordinates: 29 Deg 37 Mins 10.08 Sec South; 31 Deg 08 Mins 33.31 Sec East

Directions to Sivananda International Cultural Centre, Sivananda Nagar, La Mercy:

From Durban city centre, take the M4 (Stanger Street) northwards past Umhlanga, until you cross over the Umdloti River and reach the first traffic circle labeled Desainagar. Go left at the traffic circle and then take an immediate right. At the shopping complex, the road bears left onto Park Avenue. Follow Park Avenue and take a left onto End Street, which becomes Sivananda Avenue. Follow this road until the end and you will find the Ashram complex on your right. There are also signs labeled "Sivananda Cultural Centre" to help you along your way from the traffic circle. The Ashram can also be found using "Sivananda Avenue" or "End Street, La Mercy" on a GPS navigation system.

If you are on the N2 going north, take the Verulam/Umdloti offramp, which is the alternate route marked A. At the end of the offramp, turn right onto the M27, and within 200 meters take a left onto the M4 to Ballito. On crossing the Umdloti River, continue as above.

Physical Address: 513 Mountbatten Drive, Reservoir Hills, Durban, 4091.

Postal Address: P.O.Box 65282, Reservoir Hills, Durban, South Africa, 4090.

Telephone: +27(0)31 262 2314 | Fax: +27(0)31 262 3248

GPS Co-ordinates: 29 Deg 48 Mins 03.44 Sec South; 30 Deg 57 Mins 18.26 Sec East

Directions to Sivanandashram, Reservoir Hills:

From Durban, take the N2 north towards Stanger. Take the Inanda Road offramp, and turn left at the first set of traffic lights onto the M19 going towards Pinetown. Take the next offramp. At the traffic lights turn right onto Mounthbatten Drive. Pass 2 sets of traffic lights and the Ashram is on the right hand side, address 513 Mountbatten Drive.

It has already been pointed out that according to the teachings of the sages and our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, God dwells in all names and forms. That is why our Spiritual Darlings are taught to respect and treat with care even inanimate objects like a chair, table, etc. If such is the case, care and respect for animals, birds. and plants should be even more so.

Parents must inculcate in Spiritual Darlings reverence and protection of nature, and love and kindness for birds, animals and plants. Kindness and compassion for all dumb creatures should be developed from early childhood. Any type of cruelty to animals indulged in by children in early life will have a repercussion in later life.

There have been many cases reported where children who were cruel to animals, later turned out to be murderers. When Spiritual Darlings commence to be cruel, whether in relation to their playmates or towards animals and birds, it is a sign that should alarm their parents.

Allowing Spiritual Darling to be cruel to animals will root out from their tender hearts every feeling of compassion and pity. It is true that treatment of animals has an influence on the character of the Spiritual Darling.

Parents should take time off to teach their Spiritual Darlings how to be kind to animals. They should be taught that kindness and mercy to human beings are virtues of true manhood and womanhood. Regular daily prayer, Bhajan and attendance at the Yoga Camps will be futile if Spiritual Darlings practise cruelty towards animals and birds.

The practice of kindness to helpless creatures is of greater value in the formative years than arithmetic, reading and writing. Such training would make Spiritual Darlings more responsible individuals, nobler adults and better citizens.

Animals are part of our world. They feel pain and hunger just like human beings. The life of our Divine Master, Sri Swami Sivananda, is a most illuminating example of how to show kindness and compassion to animals, birds, snakes and fish. He upheld the rights of animals, and showed strong disapproval if anyone infringed upon their freedom.

Spiritual Darlings must be taught that every kindness shown, every service rendered, either to a person or to a dumb creature, does them more good than the one for whom they do it.

Under no circumstances should parents allow Spiritual Darlings to undertake animal experiments at school. The vivisecting of small animals is a ghastly deed, and destroys all sentiments of love, compassion and kindness in the hearts of children.

Learning to be kind and just to all helpless life, will help Spiritual Darlings to develop their character. It will instil in their young hearts a sense of responsibility, pity and compassion, thus preparing them to become nobler citizens. 

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Gurudev Centenary 2024

Sri Swami Sivananda

(1887 - 1963)

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